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Christian Reformed Church

Our Faith

We believe that the Old and New Testaments are the inspired Word of God, the only infallible rule for faith and life. We af?rm three creeds—the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed—as ecumenical expressions of the Christian faith. ? Read More....

What is a Classis?

Classis comes from the ancient Latin word "classis," and in one of its uses refers to a "fleet of ships."  The original purpose of a classis was largely the- logistical movement of personnel and support; and to keep open communication routes across great expanses of water, or landscape separated by water.  Read More...

You could ask, “What difference does being Reformed really make”? A Reformed identity is much more than a set of theological principles. It’s a biblically based framework for building a life that is deep and rich, shaped by the knowledge that, as the Heidelberg Catechism says, “I am not my own, but belong—body and soul, in life and in death—to my faithful Savior Jesus Christ” (Q&A 1).

To answer this question, consider how a Reformed identity shapes a life*:

  • You have a firm confidence that you live by Grace alone.
  • You recognize that Jesus is Lord.
  • You understand that God’s story shapes the story of your life.
  • You see God in all of creation.
  • You recognize you are created in God’s image.
  • You understand the complete devastation sin creates.
  • You trust in God’s providential care.
  • You belong to a worshiping community.
  • You are set free to live honestly.
  • You become God’s partner in making all things new.

(*adapted from “Ten Ways my reformed identity shapes my life” , by CRCNA Faith Formation Ministries)

Welcome to Classis Yellowstone's web site!

Next Classis-77th session

is taking place

October 10 & 11 , 2024

Thursday session begins at 7pm; with

Friday morning session TBA. 

Host: Mountain Springs Community Church,

Salt Lake City, UT

Session location:

Mountain Springs Communty Church

7136 South 1700 East

Salt Lake City, UT

Classis members please log in to obtain Classis material related to the past and upcoming Classis periodically.

(To obtain login, contact the Stated Clerk- [email protected])

LAST UPDATED 10/7/2024

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Membership limited to Classis Yellowstone CRC Councils & Staff Only

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CRCNA- Christian Reformed Church in North America.

The Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA) includes just over one thousand congregations across the United States and Canada. About 75 percent of the CRCNA's churches are in the United States, and 25 percent are in Canada. 


Where is Classis Yellowtone located?

The Christian Reformed Church has designated a large portion of the Intermountain west to be Classis Yellowstone's jurisdiction including Montana, Utah, Wyoming, and part of Idaho.  Read More...

Across the CRC, there are people like you doing ministry.

They are deacons, Sunday school teachers, musicians, office staff, webmasters, missions team members, GEMS leaders, elders, librarians, and so much more. They are in San Diego, Prince Edward Island, and everywhere in between.

Wouldn't it be cool to connect? You know, compare notes. Tell stories. Learn from each other. Get help. And discover that, hey, we're not alone!

This website is all about connecting - with each other, with resources, with experts - for ministry.

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The CRC Network

Check us out at

CRCNA Twitter 

Published monthly by the Christian Reformed Church in North America. The Banner magazine shows how the Christian faith in its Reformed expression makes sense for today's world. We hope you'll find our articles—from news to features to review—lively, informative, inspiring, and challenging.

We believe that Jesus Christ calls us all to gratefully follow him in every area of life. That gives our daily living eternal significance and purpose. 

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The Banner

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?The Vine Institute Website

God's Kingdom without Borders

As the Christian Reformed Church in North America, we are called to express the good news of God’s kingdom that transforms lives and communities.

We seek to carry out this calling individually and as congregations. And we join with each other through regional assemblies (called classes) and denominational ministries, in the firm belief that together we can do more.

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Safe Church Ministry